Personal Injury Compensation Law
Compensation Law is a branch of law regulating the claims for determining material and moral damages caused by both legal actions and wrongful acts including negligence, and the claims for reparation of damages and losses arising thereof.

Within the scope of Compensation Law, our Personal Injury and Claims Bureau renders the following services;
1. Bringing into action and following -up the demands for material and moral indemnities resulting from breaches of contract,
2. Bringing into action and following-up the demands for meterial and moral indemnities resulting from such criminal action as "insult" and "calumny" regulated within the Criminal Law.
3. Bring into action and following-up the demands for material and moral indemnities arising from traffic accident, work accidents, or the any other accidents.
4. Bringing into action and following-up the demands for material and moral indemnities resulting from wrongful actions.
5. Services in the sphere of such issues as taking legal actions against natural and legal persons, who are responsible for actions, which give the right to demand material and / or moral indemnity.
Further, cross-border litigation is becoming an increasingly significant element of national personal injury practice. Similarly, awareness of how neighboring jurisdiction deal with similar problems leads to an increasingly transfer of know-how and legal knowledge. European legislators and the European Court of Human Rights are also having a greater impact on national law. Moreover, any future developments in the fields of personal injury and secondary victims must take into account in the potential scope for harm nation and compensation.
For these reasons some facts should be taken into consideration such as recovererable losses, including psychiatric damage, quantification of damages, the role of medical experts,limitation periods,issue and service of proceedings, including for uninsured and untaced drivers with the rights to claim full and fair compensation.
Africa Legal Assistance

Free advice line: +31 (0) 800 0815
Rotterdam Office
Goudse Rijweg 400
3031 CK Rotterdam
Tel: 010 766 00 25
Amsterdam Office
Tel:020 410 94 94
Den Haag Office
Tel : 070-810 08 08
Utrecht Office
Tel : 030-711 13 70